Where I Went: Omu Resort

Hi guys!
If you follow me on Instagram (and you should! I’m @thejenniferabah) you would know that my friends and I went to Omu Resort some time ago.

This post is long long long overdue and I’ve just been too lazy to write it. But today, I gat you boo! I’m sharing the scoop with you.
Warning: This post is picture heavy!

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I cut my hair! 

Hi guys,

It’s been a while! How y’all doing?

As you can see from the title of this post, I cut my hair! (Cue the gasping)

I have been so tired of my hair lately! Washing it, dealing with it on a daily basis, detangling it, styling it, the whole shebang! I’ve been super frustrated with my hair. And I think this is the major reason why I never really blog about my hair anymore.

I actually considered relaxing it quite a number of times.

Finally, I decided that maybe I should get a funky fade/haircut. Like this:

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Birthday Photo Shoot

It was my birthday yesterday!

No Red Velvet this year

If you follow me on Instagram, you already know because I posted a couple of pictures from a birthday photo shoot I had. If you don’t follow me on Instagram, what are you waiting for? I’m @thejenniferabah.
Now, here’s the backstory for the photo shoot. I’m in a Whatsapp group with a number of my colleagues turned friends where we have random chats about random things. So a few weeks ago, a friend of mine (thank you Yejide!) mentioned in the group chat that there was a giveaway on Instagram for a free birthday photo shoot for anyone born in February. All you had to do was follow the studio on Instagram and leave a comment with your birthday. I did it just for fun and I won!

I did not think I would win guys! I’m not good at getting my pictures taken and I’m very awkward with posing and I can be quite uncomfortable with being the center of attention so when I found out I won I was like “Ewo! Who sent me!”.

Anyways, I’m really glad I won because the pictures are so good!

If you’ve seen a couple on Instagram, here’s more!

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On being MIA.

Hi guys!!!

It’s been so long! 

I know I’m always away these days, forgive me! 

It’s just that I’ve not been feeling like blogging at all which is so sad.

Sometimes, I have nothing to post about. Other times, I have stuff to post about but I never get to putting my thoughts in actual words. Most times, I’m just too tired or busy or lazy. 

I’ve not even been reading and commenting on other people’s blogs; many of you who blog know that I read and often like and comment on your posts but I’ve been MIA on your blogs for the longest time. 

Life just has a way of messing with you. 

Somehow, I keep getting busier everyday and too tired to be social; or maybe it’s all in my head and I’m just lazy and unmotivated.

I’ve taken out some time to think and though I haven’t found a strategy on how to post more, I’m going to put more effort and see how it goes from there; hopefully, I get my groove back.

I’m super grateful for everyone who’s sent me a mail or a message on Instagram or somewhere else or asked me in person why I’ve been missing on the blog. 

I hope that you guys will keep pushing and nudging me till I find my way back to being more consistent and more social.

Let’s slay the last month of 2016, shall we? I love you guys!


Obsessive Habits

There’s one very obsessive habit I have.

I obsessively check and recheck things. I’m sort of “OCD” about it.
When I lock a door, I check at least 2 times that it’s locked. Sometimes, I’ll walk away after checking and then come back to check again. I didn’t know I did this until a friend said something along these lines to me one day, “how many times are you going to check the door? It can’t be any more locked that the last time you checked”.

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My Fauxchella

I love music! I think almost everyone does because I’ve only met a few people in my lifetime who don’t really like music.

I think the thing about music is that there is something for everyone, for every mood and for everywhere.

When the people over at TickPick asked me to share my dream music festival lineup or my Fauxchella lineup (fake Coachella), I couldn’t resist.

Side bar: Coachella is one of the most famous music festivals in America (for anyone who doesn’t know).

If I could have my perfect dream music concert, who would perform?

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Three Year Length Check

Hi guys,

So my hair turned 3 on the 18th of July! I honestly was planning on skipping the nappiversary/length check post but @kinkchic on Instagram left a comment on one of my posts talking about the nappiversary post so I just had to do it.

What were my goals from my two year nappiversary and how well did I do?

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Lemélange Styling

Nothing makes me happier than seeing people do creative things, seeing people create things and seeing people do things they are passionate about. Do you know why? It shows in the quality of work that they put out.

Lemélange Styling (LMG Styling) is an emerging styling brand with two creative heads behind it whose main aim is to promote African print in every possible way.

I love their work and I’m going to share with you guys 2 of their shoots so you can see why.

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What Nobody Told Me About Growing Up


When I was little/ younger, I had all these ideas and fantasies of what it would be like to be grown up.

I would be filthy rich (there’s still time for this; I won’t give up!), I would be married by the time I was 23, I would have an awesome job (At first I wanted to be a vet; I don’t know why because I do not like animals that much. Later, I wanted to be a voice over artist for cartoons. One time, I wanted to be on TV and/or radio; still do. Later on, I decided I’d rather work for myself) etc
Now that I’m older, even though I still think to myself that there’s still time to have all these amazing dreams leave my head and come into the world and become realities, I review some dreams and I know they will most probably remain dreams. As depressing as this sounds, it’s the truth and I know I’m not the only one who feels this way.

Here are some crucial things nobody told me about growing up which I learnt by myself on my journey to where I am now: Continue reading